Using AKAs


AKA is a mechanism that provides communication between GitHub and Telegram accounts.

In cases where the bot shows a pull request or issue to which the executors are assigned, the bot will tag the user in telegrams, whose AKA matches the github username of assigneee.

AKA sets up locally per chat. Each AKA management command works in context of the chat.

Managing AKAs

Creating AKA

You can use the following command to create AKA for your telegram user:


Each user have to register his own AKA by himself.

Removing AKA

You can remove specified AKA using the following command:


If you want to delete all AKAs - use next command:

/disconnect -a

By default, command applies to your telegram user.
If you are a group admin - you can specify target member passing -u TELEGRAM_USER flag.

/disconnect Octocat -u telegram_octocat
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