Managing repositories

Connecting repository


Go to the repository settings on github. Go to the Webhooks tab. Click on the Add webhook button. Configure the webhook as follows:

  1. Payload URL -
  2. Content type - application/json
  3. Secret - you secret passphrase.
  4. Select Send me everything on events section or setup it as you want.
  5. Ensure that Active is checked.

To finish webhook setup press Add webhook button at the bottom of the form.

Repository can be private. There is no need to publish repository.

Now we are ready to hook repository to telegram chat.


Open telegram chat with bot. (either group or private messages)
Enter the next command to link repository to the chat:


REPOSITORY_NAME - your repository name. For example - octocat/test-repo.
YOUR_SECRET_PASSPHRASE - the passphrase you entered in webhook settings.

Congratulations, you have just linked repository to the chat.

Repository connection settings

Each repository link has settings. You can enable or disable some features per link. To access these settings you can use next command:


REPOSITORY_NAME - your repository name. For example - octocat/test-repo.

You will see the set of settings:

  • Track free CI - Track CI which not connected to Pull Request.
  • Track pushes - Track push events.
  • Track Pull Request CI - Track CI connected to Pull Requests.

To enable or disable feature - tap on corresponding button.

Now link is fully set up. You can use your GitHub repository and see metrics.

Disconnecting repository

If you need to remove repository link you can use command:


REPOSITORY_NAME - your repository name. For example - octocat/test-repo.

  • Contents